Communication Tips
Guidelines for Talking with Someone Who is Hard of Hearing
Get the person’s attention BEFORE you speak.
Speak slowly, but naturally.
Don’t shout.
Give the topic of conversation.
Rephrase when you are not understood (rather than just repeating the same words over and over).
Use natural facial expressions and gestures.
Avoid situations with background noise.
Be patient, positive, and relaxed.
Do not cover your mouth or have objects in your mouth when you are talking.
Talk to the hard-of-hearing person, not about him/her.
Sit so windows or lighting are shining on your face, not in the hard-of-hearing person’s eyes.
When in doubt, ask the hard-of-hearing person for suggestions to improve communication.
Guidelines if you are Hard of Hearing
Wear your hearing aids.
Suggest the best location to hold a conversation. Avoid poorly lit or noisy areas.
Anticipate difficult situations and plan an approach to deal with them.
Politely let those who are talking know specifically what they can do to help you.
Pay attention to the speaker.
Look for visual cues to what is being said.
Ask for written information, even key words, if needed.
Provide feedback that you understand or that you did not understand.
Arrange for frequent breaks if meetings are long.
Provide positive feedback to the speaker if they are doing things that help you.
Try not to interrupt too often.
Do not say, “Huh?” or “What” as that signals the speaker that they should talk louder. Tell them how to help you, “Could you look at me and rephrase the question?